Kona Community Hospital (KCH) is hosting its first annual Empowering Caregiver Resource Fair at the Kona Hongwanji Social Hall on Saturday, September 30 from 9 am to 12:30 pm.
The primary goal of the free event is to offer knowledge and resources to caregivers of kupuna and/or ill or injured loved ones at home.
By offering this free educational conference and outreach, Project Care aims to empower caregivers to:
- Prevent hospitalization of their loved ones,
- Shorten hospitalization durations of their loved ones when applicable,
- Facilitate efficient discharge processes to the appropriate level of care and
- Ensure that caregivers prioritize their own self-care.
Community organizations will be featured speakers at this event covering essential topics,
- Caring for our Kupuna with Alzheimer’s, presented by Alzheimer’s Association
- Advance Health Care Directives presented by Community First Hawai’i,
- Financial Considerations for Kupuna Care presented by KCH Patient Financial Services
Department - Understanding Levels of Care and Respite presented by the KCH Case Management
KCH will also launch its Medical Folders, a tool that serves as a centralized resource for caregivers
to store vital medical information about their loved ones, accessible in emergencies and further
streamlining emergency response efforts.
To RSVP for the event contact 808-322-4559 or visit www.kch.hsc.org