Effective February, 28, 2022 the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Arizona is resuming in-person, non-contact visitation for families of Hawaiʻi inmates. The facility will not be requiring visitors to be vaccinated or show proof of a negative test result prior to the scheduled non-contact visit. All regular visitation rules will apply as per policy. Visitors must call the Saguaro visitation office to schedule visits and must schedule the visit at least 7 days in advance.
The new COVID-19 safety measures include the following:
- Inmates must be fully vaccinated, including booster shots.
- Masks must be worn at all times.
- The visitation areas will be sanitized between each visit session.
Additionally, COVID-19 testing continues to be conducted in state prisons and jails as well as in the contracted Saguaro Correctional Center. The latest testing updates received for the correctional facilities are as follows:
Oʻahu Community Correctional Center – 38 inmate test results; 1 positive, 37 negative.
Women’s Community Correctional Center – 13 negative inmate test results.
Hawaiʻi Community Correctional Center – 10 negative inmate test results.
Maui Community Correctional Center – 4 negative inmate test results and 13 negative staff test results. 3 inmates have recovered.
Kulani Correctional Facility – 2 negative inmate test results.
Kauai Community Correctional Center – 1 negative inmate test result.
The Department of Public Safety (PSD) continues to encourage all staff and inmates to voluntarily get tested and receive the COVID-19 vaccination. For more detailed inmate testing data, PSD’s Pandemic Plan and information on response efforts made to safeguard the inmates, staff and public, visit: http://dps.hawaii.gov/blog/2020/03/17/coronavirus-covid-19-information-and-resources/.