Hawaiʻi County Mayor Mitch Roth tested positive for COVID-19 over the Christmas weekend. Although he was asymptomatic, his reason for testing was due to a close contact in his immediate household. He is fully vaccinated and received his booster earlier this month. His household is also fully vaccinated.
Mayor Roth is currently experiencing mild symptoms. He was set to be out on vacation this week and will remain home to quarantine for ten days, per County, State, and Federal rules.
In a statement Mayor Roth said, “With the rise in cases happening across our state and on our island, we all need to do what we can to ensure that we can protect ourselves and those around us. Getting vaccinated and, most importantly, getting boosted can minimize the chance of severe illness and keep us out of the hospitals. I’m only experiencing minor symptoms because of the vaccines, and I would like to encourage all of you who haven’t gotten yours yet to please go ahead and do so. The virus is spreading at a rampant rate and will take a toll on our medical resources if we don’t all do our part. The power is really in our hands, and we have to take this seriously.”
Photo credit: Hawaiʻi County Mayor’s Office