The Hawai‘i Department of Health’s Maui Food Safety Branch has shut down Pizza in Paradise, located in Kahului, Maui, because it was considered an “imminent health hazard.”
A routine health department inspection that took place on Thursday, May 20, 2021, pointed out the facility has a long history of clutter and other violations. Multiple food borne illness risk factors were observed. The food establishment received a red placard and must remain closed until all of the violations are resolved and the health department approves resuming operations after a follow-up inspection. Below is a list of violations:
- A large pot containing old food on the kitchen floor contained live, moving maggots;
- Roaches were observed in several areas of the kitchen, indicating a healthy breeding population;
- Plates of food left in the former dining area have not been discarded and these are covered with small flies of unknown type, possibly fruit flies;
- The facility is completely filled with items such as boxes and old equipment;
- Hand sink, counter tops and food prep areas used to store food items did not appear to not have been cleaned in a long time;
- Vegetables that appear to be rotten on outer surfaces were stored with other vegetables and it unclear whether they were discarded or used in food preparation;
- Raw beef, pork and poultry are completely packed in the two-door chill and are not arranged to prevent cross-contamination;
- Foods are not refrigerated and stored at proper temperatures; and
- Many items such as opened canned goods and bottled goods are on counters with mold growth.
Among the actions the health department is requiring the restaurant to take before reopening are:
- All insects must be completely placed under control by a professional pest service provider;
- All customer discarded plates and food remains must be properly discarded; and
- All items contributing to the piles of debris in the restaurant must be removed to avoid an unhealthy food environment.