The Hawai‘i County Police Department announced the launch of an Unsolved Homicides site within its website: https://www.hawaiipolice.com/unsolved-homicides.
The department’s intention for this new website feature is to give justice to victims and their family, friends and community. The webpage currently features five cases dating from the early 2000s to the 1980s. Additional cases will added as more information becomes available.
People with information pertaining to unsolved homicides may anonymously submit tips on the website by clicking on the “Submit a Tip” button on the front page of the Department’s website. They can also email the Unsolved Homicides Division at unsolvedhomicides@hawaiicounty.gov or call Detective Morimoto at (808) 961-2380.
In a press release Chief Paul K. Ferreira said, “Hawai‘i Police would like to remind the public that there is no statute of limitations on murder. We have staff dedicated solely to working all leads and evidence on these older homicide cases. Our detectives are deeply committed to solving these murders and see it as their solemn duty to bring these killers to justice.”