The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority released its monthly Vacation Rental Performance Report for March 2021. During this time, the total monthly supply of statewide vacation rentals was 587,300 unit nights (-32.6%) and monthly demand was 365,700 unit nights (-34.4%). That resulted in an average monthly unit occupancy of 62.3 percent (-1.7 percentage points) for March, which was nearly 20 percent higher than the occupancy of Hawai‘i’s hotels (43.1%). The unit average daily rate (ADR) for vacation rental units statewide in March was $248 (+3.6%), which was less than the ADR for hotels ($285).
The island of Hawai‘i vacation rental supply was 126,400 available unit nights (-37.7%) in March. Unit demand was 88,900 unit nights (-33.5%), resulting in 70.3 percent occupancy (+4.5 percentage points) with an ADR of $220 (+20.1%). Hawai‘i Island hotels reported ADR at $317 and occupancy of 49.6 percent.