The State of Hawai‘i mandatory interisland travel and health form can now be submitted online within 24 hours of flight departure. This will save time at the airport. A separate form is required for each individual (including minors) and each interisland flight, even if on the same day. The form includes health and contact information needed to trace close contacts should a passenger become ill.
Ticketed passengers are encouraged to visit the Hawai‘i Department of Health travel website to find the digital fillable travel and health form. Once all the required questions have been completed and it is signed and submitted, the passenger will receive an email with a QR code. They should bring the code with them to the airport, either on an electronic device (preferred) or printed. The form cannot be completed nor submitted earlier than 24 hours ahead of the flight.
(Please note: the State DOH says certain browsers such as Safari and Explorer are slow loading and Chrome is best).
At the airport:
-Check in for the flight
-Get boarding pass, if you have not previously done so, and drop off checked luggage
-Go to screening station before TSA checkpoints, to have temperature taken (passengers with 100.4 or higher temperature are not allowed to fly).
-Airport personnel will scan QR code from phone or mobile device, or passenger may present filled out form
-Airport personnel will call passenger’s mobile phone and confirm information on form with passenger’s government-issued ID
-Passenger may be referred for additional medical screening and possible COVID-19 testing
Once the information is verified and the passenger has successfully completed the process they can proceed to the TSA checkpoint.
Passengers will need extra time at the airport for this advance screening.
As of June 16, there is no requirement for the 14-day quarantine for interisland travelers.
Questions about the interisland travel form? Call 2-1-1
Click here for more information.