The State Department of Health releases not just the numbers of people with confirmed COVID-19 cases, but also details the ages and how many in each age group needed hospitalization.
As of April 12, 2020, the chart shows as follows:
Ages 0-19: 18 victims with none needing hospitalization
Ages 20-39: total of 160 victims, 5 of whom needed hospitalization (3.1%)
Ages 40-59: total of 179 victims, 11 of whom needed hospitalization (6.1%)
Ages 60+ : total of 142 victims, 28 of whom needed hospitalization (20%)
As of Sunday, April 12, 2020, the State Department of Health counts 499 people as positive for COVID-19, with 9 deaths. Hawaii County’s count: 39, with 5 new confirmed since Saturday.