New West Broadcasting stations KWXX 94.7 FM Hilo / 101.5FM, B97.1 FM Hilo / B93.1 FM Kona and KPUA AM 670 are compiling a comprehensive directory of Hawai’i Island essential businesses that remain open on Hawai’i Island. You’ll find links to restaurants with take out and delivery and links to essential services and providers that are currently available. The list is growing by the day. Let Hawai’i Island consumers know that you are open for business, what special offers and arrangements that you have made and how they can contact you. See “What’s Open” here! You can submit your essential business for a FREE listing here:
Your listing will be reviewed and assuming that it meets approval, posted to the Hawaii Island Business Directory. Businesses should meet essential business / services requirements as listed in the Governor’s 6th supplementary proclamation as detailed here.
New West’s President / General Manager Chris Leonard said, “so many of our Hawai’i Island businesses are struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and this is a way that we can help our friends and neighbors by connecting them to essential businesses and services that are still open.” Now, more than ever, listeners are tuning in and engaging with our stations on air, on smart speakers, via our websites and digital platforms for the latest information on the pandemic and where they can get goods and services that they need, Leonard added.
New West Broadcasting is a locally-owned multimedia group that owns and operates 5 radio stations (KWXX / KAOY / KNWB / KMWB / KPUA) reaching 80,000 Hawai’i Island listeners per week, numerous websites, streaming audio channels, apps, social media channels and events.
Email sales for help with the directory or to find out how we can help your business navigate these challenging times.