On Wednesday, March 29, a new Vietnam War Memorial will be unveiled at the West Hawaiʻi Veteran Cemetery.
The unveiling ceremony, which is open to the public, takes place on the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war. Representatives from Veterans organizations, elected officials and community leaders will be on hand as the bell tolls recognizing West Hawaii’s Vietnam War Killed in Action and their Gold Star families, concluding with the dedication and unveiling of the Memorial.
The 6 foot high, 7 foot long memorial was constructed by Billy Fields who served as a Marine in the Vietnam War.
The ceremony begins at 11am followed by a prayer, posting of the national and state colors and the singing of the national anthem. The West Hawaiʻi Vietnam War soldiers killed in action will be recognized with the tolling of the bell and concluding with the dedication and unveiling of the War Memorial.
Photo credit: West Hawaiʻi Veteran Cemetery