Thirty-five Soldiers from the 325th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) “Mustangs” of the 25th Infantry Division, stationed at Schofield Barracks, Oʻahu, helped clean-up Spencer Beach and Puako on their day off from conducting key training at Pōhakuloa Training Area
Participants, learned first-hand knowledge about conservation efforts in west Hawai’i, were divided into groups, given a bucket and grabbers, and a detailed checklist to keep track of types of trash picked up. The checklist has six categories and more than 40 items such as cups and plates, diapers, and cigarette butts. The trash was then weighed and bagged. According to the Keep Puako Beautiful website, 196 pounds of trash was collected.
Information booths from the Army Corps of Engineers 3Rs (Recognize, Retreat, Report), the Hawai’i Preparatory Academy Sea Turtle Research Conservation Program, and the Hawai’i Division of Aquatic Resources were set up on the beach to educate the public. There was also a trivia spinner wheel game with many great prizes. One Soldier won a free catamaran ride for two. Each volunteer also received a Keep Puako Beautiful t-shirt for their service.
“We always look forward to these opportunities to give back to our incredible Hawaii Island community. Giving back and being part of the community is so important to us here at Pōhakuloa Training Area and is a key part of our mission. The Soldiers who come here to train also fully recognize this, as evidenced by the 35 Soldiers who volunteered! My thanks to the 325 Brigade Support Battalion “Mustangs” of the great 25th Infantry Division for giving back!” said Lt. Col. Kevin Cronin, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Pōhakuloa Training Area in a press release.
Photo credit: PTA