Hawaiʻi County Mayor Mitch Roth has announced that he will stand up a Mayor’s Advisory Committee for Waipiʻo Valley’s Emergency Road Closure.
The advisory committee, which will consist of 13 individuals, representing various community sectors, will help to facilitate communication of the significant community concerns and possible solutions relating to road safety and access to the roadway through the emergency period.
Most meetings will be held on Zoom, with some being in-person, as needed.
In a press release Mayor Roth said, “With safety as the guiding consideration, our goal is to move forward in a way that respectfully engages the various stakeholders and seeks meaningful agreement amongst the engaged parties. There is undoubtedly a lot of aloha for the valley, and we need to find a balance that respects that aloha while ensuring the safety of those who traverse the roadway. We realize that short-term access to the County roadway is not a long-term solution for valley access, but we do hope to contribute to the efforts of the long-term management steering committee.”
The makeup of the Advisory Committee will consist of the following:
Public Representation
- (2) Representatives of the “farming” community
- (2) Representative of the “ocean” community (at least one from suit)
- (2) Representatives from the “tourism” community
- (1) Representative of the Waipiʻo “kupuna” community
- (1) Representative from the Waipiʻo “lineal descendant” community
- (1) Representative from Kamehameha Schools
- (1) Representative from Bishop Museum
- (1) Representative from State DLNR
- (1) Cultural practitioner from the area
- (1) Student (18 and under) from the area
County Representation
- (1) Representative from the Office of the Mayor
- (1) Representative from DPW
- (1) Representative from Corp. Counsel
- (1) Representative from the County Council
Mayor’s Advisory Committees serve for a period not to exceed, or exist beyond, the Mayor’s term of office, except as otherwise provided by the County charter. The committee will be volunteer only, with no member receiving compensation. Interested community members are asked to contact Cyrus Johnasen, Public Information Officer, at cyrus.johnasen@hawaiicounty.gov for more information and to apply. The application deadline is Friday, December 9, at 11:59 pm.