Yesterday, Kauaiʻi Police located 27 year-old actor James Lastovic, who played Joey Johnson on the soap opera “Days of Our Lives” and his roommate Nevin Dizdari, age 26, at the Sugi Grove Campground in Kōke‘e on Kauaʻi.
The two men were last seen on the morning of Sunday, October 9 when they inquired about going hiking in Kōke‘e State Park. They later sent a text message to an individual asking for directions to Shipwreck’s Beach in Po‘ipū.
When they did not return to their hotel room at the Hanalei Bay Resort and missed their scheduled flight to LAX on Monday, October 10, the Kaua‘i Police Department initiated a search and finally located Lastovic and Dizdari yesterday at 11am. The two men reported to be unharmed and safe.
In a press release Investigative Services Bureau (ISB) Capt. Paul Applegate said, “We thank the public for your assistance, and we are relieved that Joseph and Nevin have been located and are safe. “Mahalo to our officers and detectives with the Patrol Services Bureau and ISB for their diligent work.”