The DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) is hosting the 45th USCRTF meeting in Kaiula-Kona from August 27-Sept. 3. The USCRTF, which meets twice a year, was established in 1998 by Executive Order to lead U.S. efforts to preserve and protect coral reef ecosystems across jurisdictions.
An open task force business meeting will take place on Sept. 1, from 8am- 5pm at the Kaleiopapa Convention Center at the Outrigger Kona Resort & Spa.
During the meeting, task force members and invited speakers will make presentations on topics related to coral reef conservation and management. This includes two special panel discussions:
- Protecting Reefs and People in a New Climate Reality
- Co-management and Collaboration in Hawaiian Natural Resource Management
All attendees can sign up for a public comment session to address principal representatives from the federal agencies and jurisdictions. Interested participants can register for the comment session outside of the convention center between 8am – 1pm
The free event will include opportunities for questions and discussion. Hotel parking is $25/day.
DLNR Photo