Hawaiʻi County has formed a new partnership with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Education to help alleviate student transportation issues on Hawaiʻi Island. These issues stem from a shortage of school bus drivers and routes.
The collaboration between Hele-On and the DOE will allow students who live near an existing Hele-On route to get to and from school by way of a Hele-On monthly pass. Eligibility is available to all middle/intermediate and high school students on Hawaiʻi island for whom seats on existing school bus routes are not available, students eligible under Hawaii Administrative Rule §8-27-5; and students who qualify for free transportation. Those who do not qualify for free transportation will be required to pay the $72 quarterly bus pass fee, which will include Hele-On bus passes for three months (value of $135).
Hawaiʻi County parents interested in this partnership can follow the steps below to access this bus pass:
Submit a school bus application to the school office or online via eTrition. A student’s ID number is needed to apply online at https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Organization/Offices/Facilities andOperations/Transportation/RidingtheBus/Pages/home.aspx
If a child’s application was previously approved and put on a waitlist, parents can contact the school to request a Hele-On bus pass;
After the school reviews the application, parents will be notified if the application has been approved. It takes approximately two weeks to receive their Hele-On bus pass.
The Hele-On/Hawaiʻi Public Schools partnership is replicated from what has been implemented in the City and County of Honolulu with TheBus. DOE reports excellent success with that partnership from Oʻahu students accessing schools beyond traditional yellow school bus transportation capacity.
To learn more about how to ride Hele-On and the routes and schedules visit www.heleonbus.org.