Since April 4, 2021, state and county law enforcement officers issued more than 100 citations to people at Kehena Beach for parking along Highway 137 to reach the black-sand beach.
Additionally, every Sunday in April, between four and eight officers “swept” the beach and issued a total of 123 citations. On the beach violations included alcohol, drug, and open lewdness. On the highway adjacent to the beach dozens of motor vehicle tickets were given for expired safety inspections, lack of insurance, and other violations. After the sweeps of the beach, DOCARE officers then supported county police as they cleared people from what is known as “the lawn” at nearby Kalapana Sea View Estates. Many people who had been on the beach end their day with a lawn party.
Officers also handed out more than 200 face masks to people who were not maintaining social distancing. Many claimed to be from the same residence or having medical issues which prevented them from wearing masks, as required during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On top of concerns about COVID emergency rules non-compliance, residents near Kehena Beach had complained about noise and general lawlessness in the remote, rural area.
“The Sheriffs Division, along with its other law enforcement partners will not tolerate unsafe and illegal activities on Hawaii’s beaches and in parks. We will take appropriate action to deter this type of behavior to ensure a safe environment for our community,” said Jordan Lowe, PSD Deputy Director for Law Enforcement in a press release.
Law enforcement agencies plan to continue regular patrols at Kehena and of the entire Puna coastline. They are also encouraging the public to be informed about current emergency rules, as well as laws and regulations in place for public beaches/areas to avoid a court date and potential costly fine.
Photo Courtesy of State of Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources