On Monday at noon, the new Mayor, Mitch Roth, and the new County Council members will be sworn in, as dictated in the County Charter.
This year’s inauguration–like everything since COVID-19–will be different. For one thing, Mayor-elect Roth wanted to be inaugurated in Kona, the first time in the County’s history that the swearing in of the Mayor will not be in Hilo. Roth has said that he wants to send a message that West Hawaii is as important to the island as is Hilo. Roth has pledged that all areas of the county will be served well during his term. He will be sworn in at the West Hawaii Civic Center Council Chambers, along with some of the Council members. Other Council members will be at the Hilo Council Chambers. The incoming Prosecuting Attorney, Kelden Waltjen, will also be sworn in.
The other difference is that like so many meetings these days, other than the in-person direct participants, the event will be virtual, and streamed live and viewable on NaLeo TV for the public.
The Council members who will be sworn in:
District 1, Hamakua: Heather Kimball (new)
District 2, part of Hilo: Aaron Chung (continuing)
District 3, part of Hilo: Sue Lee Loy (continuing)
District 4, part of Puna: Ashley Kierkiewicz (continuing)
District 5, part of Puna: Matt Kaneali’i Kleinfelder (continuing)
District 6, Ka’u/South Kona: Maile David (continuing)
District 7, Central Kona: Rebecca Villegas (continuing)
District 8, North Kona: Holeka Inaba (new)
District 9, Kohala/Waimea: Tim Richards (continuing)
The keynote speaker will be former Mayor Billy Kenoi, who served two terms as Mayor from 2008 through 2016.
The oath of office will be administered in Kona by 3rd Circuit Court Chief Judge Robert D.S. Kim. Hilo Circuit Court Judge Henry T. Nakamoto will administer oaths of office in Hilo.
Following the inauguration, the new County Council will meet. They are expected to elect Maile David as Council Chair and Aaron Chung as Vice Chair.
The public is invited to watch the proceedings on Na Leo Channel 55 or onine at naleo.tv or at www.hawaiicounty.gov/2020inauguration
Roth has asked that anybody considering gifts or lei for him–as are traditional at County inaugurations–instead make a contribution to Hawaii Island Food Basket (hawaiifoodbasket.org) or any other nonprofit organization that’s helping people during this pandemic.
This coming Sunday, Dec. 6, an interview with Roth will air on the Island Conversations program, with host Sherry Bracken, with him discussing some of his appointees and plans. The interview is Part 1 of two, and will be posted as a podcast at kwxx.com and at b97hawaii.com or wherever you get podcasts, and will be on the radio at 6:30 a.m. on KWXX (101.5 Kona, 94.7 Hilo) or at 7 a.m. on B97.1 in Hilo and B93.1 in Kona. Part 2 will air and be posted as a podcast on Sunday, Dec. 13
Photo is Mayor Elect Mitch Roth being honored at the YWCA’s Remarkable Persons luncheon in 2017.