The Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) deadline for qualifying organizations to order Personal Protective Equipment, with the cost paid by the State out of Federal funds, is Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020.
In September, HI-EMA announced it would give away PPE to small businesses, nonprofit organizations, schools, and healthcare providers. The program was created by the State Legislature, and the money comes from Federal CARES Act funds.
The intent is to help small businesses, schools, and nonprofit agencies better address the COVID-19 pandemic issues.
Some of the items available include reusable cloth masks, hand sanitizer, face shields, and more. The items may take up to 2 to 3 months to arrive, and will be shipped directly to the entities ordering them.
In addition to schools and health care providers, qualified recipients include businesses and non-profit organizations that meet the following qualifications:
- Small Businesses – a for-profit corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, sole proprietorship or other legal entity domiciled and authorized to do business in Hawaii with an average of less than 100 full-time or part-time employees prior to March 1, 2020. Priority will be given to public-facing small businesses with fewer than 100 employees (e.g. Retail Stores, Restaurants, Accommodation, Food Service, Small Manufacturing, Home Care Agencies, Home Health Care Agencies, and Case Management Agencies).
- Non-Profit Organizations – a non-profit corporation domiciled and authorized to do business in Hawaii. Priority will be given to non-profits who interact with the public on a regular basis as follows: Food banks and food distribution, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters; Mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, Special Treatment Facilities and Therapeutic Living Programs, and Intermediate Care Facilities for Developmental Disabilities; Arts and Cultural Centers; Performance programs; and Arts Programs.
HIEMA has created the Hawaii Medical Logistics Personal Protective Equipment Shopify order form for qualified recipients.
For complete details and to register and order, go to
The email address for questions or issues is ppehawaii@gmail.com.
Photo is Hilo Medical Center personnel in a variety of PPE.