Blood Bank Hawaii, after forgoing collecting blood on the Big Island since the start of the pandemic, will collect blood in Kona October 20, 21, and 22, at the Church of Latter Day Saints, 75-230 Kalani St above the McDonald’s on Kuakini Highway.
Blood Bank Hawaii said it very much needs people to donate, in order to help maintain the state’s blood supply. In addition, BBH is collecting plasma from anybody who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and is now recovered. The convalescent plasma can be used to help those people who contract COVID-19 by giving them blood with COVID-19 antibodies.
Collection days in Kona:
Tuesday, October 20, 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 21, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 22, 6:00 am – 3:00 pm
Blood Bank Hawaii is scheduling 140 appointments each day.
BBH says it is following strict protocols and procedures recommended by the FDA and CDC aimed at keeping donors and staff safe. All donors of high school age will receive a BBH branded mask. Donors must be 18, or 16 or 17 with a permission letter from a parent or guardian.
Although all blood types are needed and will be used, there is an immediate and high need for O-Positive and O-Negative.
For those who have had COVID-19 and are willing to donate plasma, donors need to provide a lab-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in advance and be healthy and symptom-free for 28 days.
Donors interested in giving blood on Hawaii Island may register at or call 808-848-4770.
For information about donating convalescent plasma, email or call 808-848-4706.
Blood Bank Hawaii collected blood in Hilo in late September, and all appointments were filled.