Hilo Medical Center reported one more death Friday afternoon, of a patient in the hospital and not related to the Yukio Okutsu Veterans Home, and Yukio Okutsu Veterans Home reported one new death. That brings the island’s reported COVID-19 deaths to 20. There are 15 patients in the hospital with COVID-19.
The complete HMC report:
HILO MEDICAL CENTER UPDATE (as of 3:30 pm on Friday, September 18, 2020)
- 15 total COVID-positive patients are hospitalized: 4 in ICU, 10 in COVID Unit, 1 in Extended Care Facility
o The second round of COVID tests for Extended Care Facility staff and residents came back negative. Follow-up testing to be conducted next week Monday.
o Admissions to our Extended Care Facility remain paused until the situation is resolved.
o Hilo Medical Center is optimistic in managing COVID in the hospital and its long term care facility.
- 1 death is reported Friday related to COVID-19 at the hospital, unrelated to the veterans home outbreak. 2 total deaths have occurred in the hospital today and September 8.
YUKIO OKUTSU STATE VETERANS HOME UPDATE (as of 3:30 pm on Friday, September 18, 2020, reported by Avalon Healthcare, the veterans home’s managing company)
- 60 total residents are currently at the Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home
- 28 total residents are receiving care in the home’s COVID designated area
- 4 residents are hospitalized at Hilo Medical Center
- 18 total resident deaths related to COVID-19 have occurred. We offer our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones.
o 1 death to report Friday related to COVID-19 at the veterans home
- 19 residents and 7 employees have recovered
- A total of 69 residents and 30 employees have tested positive for COVID-19 in this outbreak
- For additional information, go to: https://ahcupdates.info/hilo-covid19-update