Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, says with the CDC recommendations that children must also wear masks in public–with some exceptions–parents and caregivers need to think about how to get keiki used to wearing masks and used to seeing masks.
Children 2 and under should not wear masks.
For older children, it’s a good idea to try to normalize the wearing of masks — put one on a favorite stuffed animal, and wear a mask around the house so children get used to seeing them. And then have the kids practice at home, and depending on the age, have them wear their mask for as short a time as 5 seconds, and then increase it gradually until they can wear it for 5 minutes or longer. Let the keiki pick out masks they like, or give them masks with favorite characters or designs–or race cars.
And sometimes, it is a good idea to offer a small reward, depending on the age of the child–a favorite book to read, screen time, chocolate, as in the case of 3 1/2-year-old Brodi Bracken. Or take photos, and let them see how great they look!
For the full story from Nationwide Children’s Hospital…click here.