For 99 years, the Kamehameha Schools Song Contest has brought together every student in the school as the four grades — Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors — not only competed for top honors but shared their music with the state. The 2,000 students share Hawaiian culture, history, language, and music with an audience live at Blaisdell Arena but also via television, and do so every Spring.
This year, COVID-19 cancelled Song Contest. Despite the significant disappointment, Choral Director Zachary Lum said this experience was a way to create a space for something new. The students–and their advisors–rose to the challenge.
The Senior Class decided the 100th Song Contest would go on. They have created and posted videos of the Senior Men, the Senior Women, and the entire class singing songs that aloha ‘aina. In addition, they have posted “behind the scenes” videos of how they got these videos made to produce a product they felt would represent the Class of 2020 in the appropriate way.
Click here for the Kamehameha Schools 2020 Song Contest.