Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has reopened several trails to the public, always subject to COVID-19 precautions of social distancing, crowd size, and mask-wearing.
• Mauna Loa Road to Kīpukapuaulu for vehicles, bicyclists and hikers, including Tree Molds. The picnic area will remain closed.
• Mauna Loa Road past Kīpukapuaulu is open for hikers and bicyclists to Mauna Loa Overlook at 6,662 feet, but is closed to vehicles.
• Footprints Trail from Highway 11 to the Ka‘ū Desert Trail and Mauna Iki Trail junction, including the Footprints shelter (1.9 miles one way).
• Escape Road, for bicycling, horseback riding and hiking to the Mauna Ulu junction.
All other areas in the park remain closed at this time because of concerns over COVID-19 and the ability to implement the CDC-recommended precautions. Commercial and special use permits continue to be suspended.
“We have completed thorough risk assessments for the continued safety of our staff and the public, and while we are excited to increase access in areas of the park that allow for social distancing in an outdoor, open-air environment, we are urging each person to be safe to keep us all safe,” said Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park Acting Superintendent Rhonda Loh. “If people cannot adhere to the latest health guidelines for their protection and ours, the park may have to close these areas again.”
The Centers for Disease Control has published guidelines for those using parks and outdoor recreational facilities.
The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park site continues to be updated as conditions change.
Photo is courtesy National Park Service: Hikers practicing social distancing on Kīpukapuaulu Trail by Janice Wei of NPS