Hawaii County has added one more case to the State’s count of COVID-19, the third new case reported within the last week, and the only new case reported today. Mayor Harry Kim has said at least two are travel-related. The island’s cumulative case count is now at 78, with two cases currently considered active and being monitored by the State Department of Health.
The state’s count now is 641, with 63 active cases. No new deaths have been reported for 16 days, and the state count stands at 17.
Hawaii Lt. Governor Josh Green says Hawaii has the lowest mortality rate in the United States and that 92% of our cases have recovered. LG Green said he’s aiming for June 1 as a day our kama’aina economy can reopen with more stores and facilities open. He also says we have adequate hospital bed, ICU, and ventilator capacity should there be a surge in cases.
Mayor Harry Kim and all the state’s mayors now have the the leeway to reopen facilities and businesses, based on the Governor’s Beyond Recovery: Reopening Hawaii plan. Kim issued a press release Monday afternoon saying he would reopen beach parks today, but they have not opened and they should open on Wednesday. So far Mayor Kim has not indicated when he will let additional businesses open.
Cumulative totals as of 12:00 noon on May 19, 2020
COVID-19 Positive* Cases
Total Cases | 641 (1 newly reported) |
Released from Isolation† | 578 |
Required Hospitalization | 82 |
Deaths | 17 |
By County
COVID-19 Positive* Cases
Total Cases | 78 total |
Released from Isolation† | 76 |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
Deaths | 0 |
Total Cases | 415 total |
Released from Isolation† | 385 |
Required Hospitalization | 57 |
Deaths | 11 |
Total Cases | 21 total |
Released from Isolation† | 20 |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
Deaths | 0 |
Total Cases | 117‡ total |
Released from Isolation† | 97 |
Required Hospitalization | 22 |
Deaths | 6 |
HI Residents diagnosed outside of HI | 10 total |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
County Pending | 0 total |
*Positive cases include presumptive and confirmed cases, and Hawaii residents and non-residents; data are preliminary and subject to change. Note that CDC provides case counts according to states of residence.
†Includes cases that meet isolation release criteria (Isolation should be maintained until at least 3 days (72 hours) after resolution of fever and myalgia without the use of antipyretics OR at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset, whichever is longer). (The cases that have died and one case that has left the jurisdiction have been removed from these counts).
‡One case is a Lanai resident whose exposure is on Maui Island and who will be remaining on Maui Island for the interim.