Those wishing to submit testimony in writing for Wednesday’s Special Hawaii County Council meeting must do so by noon on Tuesday. The Special Meeting, which will deal with the County budget, is Wednesday, May 13, at 2 p.m. Although Council members will be in Hilo, Kona, and Waimea, the Council will take in-person testimony in Hilo and in Kona.
One of the items of most interest is Bill 169, which will create a second Tier for the Residential Class, with the Second Tier being a higher rate for properties not receiving a Homeowners Exemption and valued at $2 Million or more, and for vacant land valued at $2 Million or more. Bill 169 would authorize the Council to set different tax rates for each tier. Hawaii County residents who live in their homes may (and most do) receive a Homeowners Exemption, if the home is their primary residence. The Homeowner Class has a lower tax rate than Residential Class properties. Many rental properties–long term or vacation– or second homes are in the Residential class.
The County budget is going to be negatively affected by COVID-19, since expected revenues from the County’s share of the General Excise Tax and Transient Accommodations Tax will not be what was anticipated. County property tax revenues are the main source of County revenue, but with so many people losing all or part of their income from work, revenue from property taxes may also be affected.
Those wishing to testify in person will be required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth (unless medically or physically unable to do so), physically distance from others at least six feet, and sanitize their hands before entering the room to testify. Testimony will be taken in Hilo in the conference room across from the Council Chambers, with one testifier entering at a time and testifying via video. In Kona, testimony will be in the Council Conference Room in the Council office, with one testifier entering at a time and testifying via video.
Any written testimony must be received by noon on Tuesday, May 12. Email, or Fax to 808-961-7812, or send or drop off written comments that would be received by noon on Tuesday to Hawaii County Council, via County Clerk, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo HI 96720. The Council also accepts video testimony, which will be given to each Council member but not played at the meeting, via email to Video testimony must be on a single item and may contain up to 3 testifiers testifying no more than 3 minutes each. Full detail about submitting testimony is on the meeting agenda.
Click here for the County Council Agenda for Wednesday, May 13, at 2 p.m. The information is also available via the County Council’s Agendas and Actions section.
All County Council and Committee meetings are available for watching live or later online. Click here for the link.