Hawaii State Department of Health reports no new cases of COVID-19 in the state have been confirmed in the past 24 hours. This leaves the state’s count at 629, cumulative, with 565 have been “released from isolation,” which means either recovered, or died, or left the jurisdiction.
Governor David Ige and Lt. Gov. Josh Green, M.D., as well as State Health Director Bruce Anderson have praised members of the community for practicing social distancing, washing hands and surfaces, and wearing masks. They have emphasized that anybody sick should stay home. Anderson said on April 17 that an offshoot of the new hygiene and distancing procedures is there has been a significant decline in the number of cases of influenza.
For COVID 19, O’ahu has 408 cumulative cases, Maui County 116, Hawaii County 74, and Kaua’i, 21. Ten residents outside the state also tested positive.
There was an increase from yesterday in hospitalizations, 6 more, with 81 total–56 have been on Oahu, 22 on Maui and one each on the Big Island and Kauai, and one out of state.
State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park said “We have seen a steady decline in new cases over the past several weeks, although today we’re at zero, we want to maintain these declines. As businesses reopen, as people become more active and travel more freely, we will inevitably see an increase in cases.”
Dr. Park said a big concern is travel, both for Hawaii residents who travel to the mainland and then return, and as visitors begin to return to the state in larger numbers.
Health experts indicate that while Hawai‘i is fortunate to have this pause, it should be used to reassess response capacity, preparedness plans, and to ensure the state is ready for a second and potentially larger wave of the disease.
Cumulative totals as of 12:00 noon on May 8, 2020
COVID-19 Positive* Cases
Total Cases | 629 (0 newly reported) |
Released from Isolation† | 566 |
Required Hospitalization | 81 |
Deaths | 17 |
By County
COVID-19 Positive* Cases
Total Cases | 74 total |
Released from Isolation† | 67 |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
Deaths | 0 |
Total Cases | 408 total |
Released from Isolation† | 385 |
Required Hospitalization | 56 |
Deaths | 11 |
Total Cases | 21 total |
Released from Isolation† | 21 |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
Deaths | 0 |
Total Cases | 116‡ total |
Released from Isolation† | 93 |
Required Hospitalization | 22 |
Deaths | 6 |
HI Residents diagnosed outside of HI |
10 total |
Required Hospitalization | 1 |
County Pending |
0 total |
*Includes presumptive and confirmed cases, data are preliminary and subject to change; note that CDC provides case counts according to states of residence.
†Includes cases that meet isolation release criteria (Isolation should be maintained until at least 3 days (72 hours) after resolution of fever and myalgia without the use of antipyretics OR at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset, whichever is longer.), have died, or have left the jurisdiction.
‡One case is a Lanai resident whose exposure is on Maui Island and who will be remaining on Maui Island for the interim.