With the increased emphasis on everybody wearing masks when in stores or other places where there might be interaction with people, the demand for masks has increased. Many people are making their own face coverings out of scarves or bandanas, there are ways to make masks without sewing by using bandanas and rubber bands, and many people are sewing masks using fabric and elastic. The Centers for Disease Control has even posted information on their web site on how to make and care for masks.
But for people who cannot afford face coverings, there is an organization called Every1nehawaii.com that will send a mask to those who need one.
Every1ne Hawaii‘s website says the organization is a collaborative team composed of nextgen influencers from all facets of the Hawaii community, coming together for the purpose of engaging, empowering and activating Hawaii’s next generation.
The website gives information on how to request a mask, or email info@every1nehawaii.com. It also has links to online music events to help people stay at home while still having fun.