The Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield joined President Donald Trump at the Friday COVID-19 Task Force briefing at the White House and said the CDC is now recommending that everybody wear some kind of cloth covering over their face when in public places with other people.
Director Redfield stressed that people do not need surgical nor N95 masks, that they should be reserved for health professionals in the medical setting. He said simple cloth masks will help filter germs.
He also said it is still critical to maintain the 6 foot social distance between people, even with masks or face coverings.
There are numerous online resources on how to make simple masks, some without sewing, at home. That includes a video made by Kaua’i Mayor Derek Kawakami on making his own mask out of an old tee shirt.
In the press conference, President Trump said he does not choose to wear a mask.
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell has asked all on O’ahu to wear masks in public.