Hawaiʻi Electric Light is reporting that more than 400 utility poles have been damaged or destroyed and that extended power outages can be expected in lower Puna.
Hawaii Electric Light Company is rerouting power, where possible, to to restore power to some areas, however some outages are expected to last for an extended period of time.
Damage and/or destruction of numerous utility poles and equipment has cut off all electric service to the following areas:
- Kapoho, including Vacationland Hawai‘i and Kapoho Beach Lots
- Lanipuna Gardens
- Leilani Estates from Moku Street to Mohala Street including all connecting roads
- Areas along Highway 132
Hawaii Electric Light is evaluating options to restore power to Vacationland and Kapoho Beach Lots once eruptive activity ceases in the area.
The company continues to remind the public that all lines, transformers and other utility equipment should be treated as if they are energized even if they are on the ground. Hawaii Electric Light officials say they still have sufficient power generation available to meet the islandʻs needs after the shutdown of the Puna Geothermal Venture.